Defending human rights
Thick smoke from the lead smelting plant spread across the village of Owino Uhuru near Mombasa in Kenya. People got sick, women miscarried and chicken died if they drank from the river.
Thick smoke from the lead smelting plant spread across the village of Owino Uhuru near Mombasa in Kenya. People got sick, women miscarried and chicken died if they drank from the river.
Sankka savu levisi sulattamosta Owino Uhurun kylän ylle Keniassa. Ihmiset sairastelivat, naisten raskaudet päättyivät keskenmenoon ja joesta juoneet kanat kuolivat.
A blacksmith, dental technician or specialist in car upholstery — what is your business idea? This question was addressed to Kosovan people by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in spring 2015 and 2016.
Seppä, hammasteknikko vai autoverhoilija, mikä on sinun liikeideasi? Tätä kysyi YK:n kehitysohjelma UNDP kosovolaisilta keväällä 2015 ja 2016.
Prischilla Mema Mumba from Kenya pursues political issues that are important to women, such as the right to own land and water supply. “I told people that they should vote for me because I know their problems and I want to solve them.
Kenialainen Prischilla Mema Mumba ajaa politiikassa naisille tärkeitä asioita, kuten maanomistusoikeus ja vesihuolto. ”Kerroin ihmisille, että minua kannattaa äänestää, koska tunnen ongelmanne ja haluan ratkaista ne.
“Before we had to send the samples to Kenya or Ethiopia. Sometimes they were destroyed on their way there, and it took weeks to get the results.
”Ennen jouduimme lähettämään näytteet Keniaan tai Etiopiaan. Ne saattoivat tuhoutua matkalla, ja tulosten saamisessa kesti viikkokaupalla.
“Nowadays everybody has access to water supplied by the Government, even people living in rural areas. Before the situation was much worse: water had to be drawn from wells.