Asphalt for 103 kilometres

Nelson Nyama, entrepreneur, is pleased because his small roadside shop has quadrupled its sales thanks to the new road that makes it easier for local people to travel. “Before, rain made travelling near impossible,” says Nyama.

The Kabarole, Ntoroko and Budibugyo regions in the mountainous West Uganda used to be almost isolated from the world beyond. In rainy season the road going through the regions could be impassable for up to a week. Things changed in 2014 when the narrow gravel road was replaced with a paved arterial road stretching for 103 kilometres. Before, the road was passable only for trucks, but now some 50 minibuses travel the road daily. A total of 600 000 people benefit from the paved road. Trading is easier, and economy has perked up in the region.

The road was built by the Ugandan authorities who received a loan from the African Development Bank (AfDB) covering the bulk of the costs. AfDB support the construction of roads even elsewhere in Africa. Finland finances AfDB from development cooperation funds.

Photo: AfDB, graphics: Juho Hiilivirta


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