Farmers’ club is open for all

“I have learnt a great deal about how to grow vegetables, employ different planting techniques and use compost as a fertilizer. Last year I was able to harvest vegetables throughout the year.

Viljelijäklubi ei ole herrakerho

”Olen oppinut paljon vihannesten viljelystä, istutustekniikoista ja kompostin hyödyntämisestä lannoitteena. Viime vuonna pystyin korjaamaan vihannessatoa ympäri vuoden.

Finnish water for the Vietnamese

“Children in our cities used to fall ill more often than they do today. Nowadays my son Nguyễn Hà Manh Hùng hardly ever suffers from stomach problems”, says Hà Thi Huễ from Vietnam.

Suomi-vettä vietnamilaisille

”Aiemmin lapset kaupungeissamme sairastelivat paljon enemmän. Nykyään poikani Nguyễn Hà Manh Hùng ei juuri kärsi vatsaongelmista”, vietnamilainen Hà Thi Huễ kertoo.

Every child is wanted

Louern, a Cambodian mother of two, has come to listen to a presentation on family planning organised by the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA. “My husband and I have already agreed that we are happy with two children.

Toivottuja lapsia perheisiin

Kambozhalainen kahden lapsen äiti Louern saapui kuuntelemaan YK:n väestörahasto UNFPAn tietoiskua perhesuunnittelusta. ”Olemme keskustelleet jo aiemmin mieheni kanssa, että kaksi lasta on meille tarpeeksi.

Saving the livelihood of farmers

Rows of roses are growing in a warm and humid greenhouse. The cultivation of flowers is a source of livelihood for 8,500 Ugandan people.

Reduced erosion in Rwanda

The Rwandan rural landscape used to look bleak. Mountain slopes were dotted with small dry patches of land where the topsoil layer was eroding away.

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