Transparent tax revenue
Are State funds used as planned to promote education and healthcare? Can people and companies find out how tax revenues have been used?
Sivusto arkistoitu
Kehitys-Utveckling 2014–2024
Viimeinen päivitys: 26.7.2024
Are State funds used as planned to promote education and healthcare? Can people and companies find out how tax revenues have been used?
Käytetäänkö valtion varat suunnitelmien mukaisesti koulutukseen ja terveydenhuoltoon? Saavatko kansalaiset ja yritykset tietää, mihin verovarat on käytetty?
“Before I was focused on the issues of my own ethnic group, but now I understand that we need to do more to promote democracy,” says a local politician from Shan State. Myanmar’s first democratic elections in decades took place in 2015.
”Ennen keskityin vain etnisen ryhmäni asioihin. Nyt ymmärrän, ettei se riitä, jos haluamme edistää demokratiaa”, sanoo Shanin osavaltion paikallispoliitikko.
“It was easy to get the certificate of occupancy for our house. The value of our house has risen, and our property is now more attractive.
”Saimme asuntomme omistustodistuksen helposti. Talomme arvo on kasvanut, ja omaisuudestamme on tullut entistä houkuttelevampaa.
“We want the mines in Zambia to pay the State its due. The project helps us make sure that the mines account for all their production,” says Mooya Lumamba, Director of Mines in the Zambian Government.
”Haluamme kaivosten maksavan valtiolle sen, mikä sille kuuluu. Hanke auttaa meitä varmistamaan, että kaivokset tekevät tilin kaikesta, mitä tuottavat”, sanoo Sambian valtion kaivosjohtaja Mooya Lumamba.
In 2012, 1,5 metres of rain fell in two hours in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. People died, and flood water and the waste it carried spread diseases.
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